We are a CIO registered charity, no.1199569
Our church is open to all who wish to worship and explore their faith with an open mind, in a spirit of free inquiry. It has its roots in Liberal Christianity but seeks to discover and build upon the best in many religions, philosophies, and approaches to life. So our worship is simple, including praise to God known by any name or none, a celebration of life and its wonders, and a sharing of concerns and ideals for human life and its dignity.
Perhaps the main feature of our religion is that we do not insist that everyone should hold exactly the same beliefs. Rather, each person is encouraged to work out his or her own faith with sincerity but to do so within a living, loving community.
As well as weekly worship on Sunday at 10.45 am, there are social activities throughout the year, and opportunities to discuss our beliefs and ideas, and learn something new. Services for special occasions, such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals are also held, by arrangement with the minister.
Everyone is welcome to come along to our church at any time, with no obligation to become a member, although there are plenty of ways to get involved, with membership as one option. To discuss any way in which you would like to become involved, do contact the Minister.
A wide range of activities, besides worship, take place in the church and its adjacent hall - meetings, Tuesday coffee morning, yoga, slimming world, choir, and art clubs.
We are affiliated to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, whose symbol is the Flaming Chalice and has links with other liberal religious groups all over the world.

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